Tuesday, August 23, 2005

We interrupt our
regularly scheduled blogcasting to make the following public service announcement: Pat Robertson has lost his mind.


Anonymous said...

Amen. I am sure our dear young friends (parents of Andrew) are cringing and trying to pretend they don't get their paycheck from him....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ Bruce...you sound like a Dispensationalist with that interpretation of Jeremiah. We (the Church) are Israel. Yes, the prophet's message had an immediate application to the nation of Israel. However, the whole counsel of Scripture supports that the same promises are also applicable for us in a secondary sense. It is true that God knows the plans of His children in the Church. And ultimatly if we are His children we will escape calamity and be given a hopeful future. I think you have a point with the knick-knacks, though. Aren't Scripture quotes in a different category though?

Ellen said...
