Thursday, August 11, 2005

is what I will be saying later this fall. In the drawing, I am the guy on the right. So, I get gum/periodontal surgery. Along with that I get stitches in my gums. Lots of them. I could just let it go and put up with dentures later on. Like my dad says, at least then you get a discount on teeth cleaning.

Oh, and another thing, I would encourage your little kids or grand-kids to take up dentistry as a profession. At least the periodontal kind. For two and a half ours of work, the dentist will collect a cool $5000. Minus expenses of course. Those expenses are $2.95 worth of sutures. (He buys the expensive kind).

I guess I will have to put off for a few months the new Lexus I was planning on buying. And the starving kids are gonna' have to wait too.


Bruce S said...

I know what you're thinking. You think I deserve it for my sinful attitudes.

Well, if that is the case I suggest you do two things. 1) Brush your teeth better. 2) Go read the book of Job.

Anonymous said...

We all deserve worse.

Anonymous said...

It would help if you didn't have a Lexus type word processor. Some of us poorer types can't open the files to read what they say. On most PC's there is a program called WORDPAD, you can find it by clicking on the "start" button and hunt for it. I can read those simple type files. IN the mean time I will have to give up on saving the govt. money.

Bruce S said...

The sarcasm of one generation became the cynicism of the next. What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

As near as I can tell I am complaining about a zipped file that would tell me how to save taxes. To open the file requires something I would have to buy and that is not an option.