Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Reading ahead,
as I have been doing, in my sources for articles on sanctification, I can see a problem looming. I can address this problem tangentially by inserting a brief discussion on what sanctification is. I don't mean to define it, actually, as that would undercut some of the views on which I am going to report. This is so because in some cases a representative view is tied up in the meaning of the word. It appears that folks don't see the word's meaning at all in the same way. The result is that some views seem to be talking about something entirely different from sanctification.

So rather than define sanctification, I want to write a little about the word itself. It really is quite simple. Sanctification, a noun, and sanctify, a verb, share the same root. That word is the word 'holy', an adjective. Somehow we don't have in English the words 'holyfied' and 'holyfication'. But we could. And there is warrant from the Greek to think exactly this way. So all you have to do is figure out what 'holy' means. For the sake of simplicity, and not being smart enough to elaborate much further, let's leave it here: holy means both 'set apart' and 'pure'.

- end of brief discussion

(It is worth thinking about how or why the Greeks had a use for such a word. For it is clear that they had this word for 'set apart' and 'pure' and the writers of the NT, 75 a.d. and writers of the LXX, approx 300 b.c. or a little later both used their word. But, I am too lazy to delve into that very deeply).

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