Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A brief hiatus is possibly
beginning, although I have quite a bit on the "tip of my pen". I, along with many others, are casualties of a major work re-shuffle which is resulting in an unexpected career shakeup for yours truly. So, I have begun studying computer related stuff in order to secure employment for more years to come.

In fact, the day the hammer dropped on my work prospects is the same day I wrote out the $1K check for my class at sem. Probably shoulda' dropped out, since I will have to be a yeoman at work rather than a slacker, for the forseeable future.

Also, I am cancelling my gum surgery indefinitely. The surgeon doesn't use my dental insurance company, so my portion of the $5K is nearly all of it. I am coming up with plan B.

On thing you can look forward to is some cool photos. Check back tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I got yer Java right here. The CD is lost, but you can easily download the J2SE SDK from

Anonymous said...

You, as well as I, will find new frontiers to explore.

"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and knowledge;" Isa. 33:6

Anonymous said...

So, you've found your medium, the blog, which has allowed at least virtual contact, and now you're going to be forced into semi-retirement with it? I surely hope not. Don't quit seminary--keep chipping away at it so that when you do retire, you can retire to your new calling. Love you both, Barbara