Sunday, June 04, 2006

Continuing with the
theme that is touched on by David's approach to his enemies in the Psalms and the word's of Christ that says we should love our enemies and pray for them, I present to you this: Read Exodus 20, specifically verses 13 and 15. Now read Deuteronomy 3:1-7. Here we have both murder and stealing. Of course, this is not the only example of this kind of "atrocity" in Israel's dark past.

What say ye? The apparent contradiction (God speaking with a forked tongue) as well as history scream out for an answer in view of the fact that these "crimes" have cast a long shadow down the corridors of time. Surely these Jews are not very neighborly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I believe that Israel was being used as an instrument of God's justice (refer to 2:30).

Didn't OG refuse to allow Israel to pass safely essentially provoking the battle, thus it is actually the self defense of a nation?

Thus, the commandment not to murder does not necessarily apply to national defense or punishment of evel doers (Gen 9:6 or Rom 13). Not sure if the commandment prohibiting stealing is applicable here.