Friday, October 14, 2005

is class day and today's class was good like all the others. It does get a bit sleepy-ish at 2:30 pm (especially since today was in the high 90's and maybe even 100 in Escondido) but what I am learning is exactly what I was hoping for back in August when I decided to sign up.

I will probably write about that stuff some time down the road.

One thing you should know is that I read (or started reading) the book on Reformed Worship, from which I was going to provide a summary of each chapter, about 10 weeks early. That was due to technical problems with the syllabus, which if I had had it I would have known to read it just about last in the course. So, you will have to check back later for the resumption of that topic.

And for those breathlessly waiting for another installment on sanctification, you'll have to wait for that too. I am too busy.

I am now pretending to be a database administrator at work. I am the technical expert on a database IRAD at work now, and I have to, pretty quickly, produce some smoke and mirrors, dogs and ponies, and whatever else it may take, if I want to keep my job. So, I now have a split personality.

When I am at work I am all hopped up for things computer/technical. When I am at Sem. or when reading some of these great books about preaching, I am all hopped up for figuring out a way to whip up a call so I can some day mount a pulpit and be a gospel proclaimer, explicator, and applier.

By the way, I forgot earlier when listing my motives for getting involved at the Sem. that a big one was that I wanted to be an influence over my family, or what's left of it. By that, I mean maybe there is the leave-and-cleave clause that says I have no more influence over my kids. But I am not going to assume that. I want to do what I can to guide them down good paths. If you want to read into that motive the idea that I may be holding the opinion that I did a poor job of that early on, then you would be reading rightly. You also may secretly hold the opinion yourself that I am dreaming if I think I can influence my kids any more. Chances are good that I can't really influence anybody and it is only the holy spirit that can do it. FWIW, I also view my grandchildren as covenant people over whom I may have some influence.

Also, big sis', you might be interested to learn that one of the books used for an upcoming Practical Theology class is 'The Call' by Os Guiness. I took a look at it a bit today at lunch and it looks like it is an early version of 'The Purpose Driven Life' since it is all about finding your purpose. It looked interesting to me, nevertheless, and I plan to check it out of the library sometime around Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Ellen loved The Call but is NO fan of PDL. So I'd say you might find it helpful. And speaking of PDL, have you seen the most recent CT articles about its founder's discovery of a 6th purpose, that of alleviating the conditions of the world's poor? Rwanda (or maybe it's Zambia) is joining him in becoming a purpose-driven nation, no less. Very interesting.

Ellen said...

I was just going to comment to say that I did love The Call, but it looks as though mom beat me to it. Anyway, I started thinking about it, and now I I can't remember the specifics as to why I liked it... I think on my old computer i've still got a talk i wrote about calling for a talk a few years back at an IV camp - I think I quoted that book on a few points. I'll have to dig up my old computer and remind myself why I liked the book.

And, oh yes, mom was right about being no fan of PDL...