Saturday, November 25, 2006

Long time no post, eh?
Well, I've been busy. I am writing my paper for the WSCAL Christian Mind class I am taking. I was thinking about things and I 'fessed up to Big D the other day that when I dropped out of college to embark on a career of serious drug use back in 1970, the primary contributing factor for dropping out was that in my major, which was Political Science, the biggest part of getting graduated was writing all the papers that were required. I hated writing papers and the easiest way out of writing them was to quit. So I did.

So here I am again. I tried to get an early start so I began this project about a month ago. I still have a week left and I hope to finish by Monday night. That will give me a few weeks to catch up on reading and study for the final.

I have a friend from WSCAL who is in my Christian Mind class who says once he gets his thesis, his outline and his secondary resources lined up, he can spit out his 15 or so pages in about 3 hours. And I believe him.


Anonymous said...

I bet you don't quit this time. Is writing theology papers easier than political science papers?

Anonymous said...

How ironic that the poli sci major is so apolitical today and the engineer in the family has become completely political. And obviously your friend who did all his pre-writing so carefully (good for him) doesn't seem to include revision in his writing process. Hmmm...we teachers of writing would frown on that...but we also understand the press of time at this point in the semester. Don't let my students know, though....

Anonymous said...

In my high school english class, our teacher taught us a paper-writing method of reading all of our sources, and copying quotes & biblio info (page number, etc.) onto notecards, then structuring your paper by selecting and sorting the 3x5's. After you get to that point (she claimed), "your paper will write itself!"

One of my buddies from that class (who you might remember -- you played chess with him once) gave her a funny cartoon that showed himself with a stack of notecards, with an exasperated caption "Well, you heard her!"

Good luck!

Bruce S said...

Theology papers are easier then Poli-Sci papers but only because how much I like the subject. They are still hard for me.

I revise as I go. A lot of deleting, moving blocks around and leaving sections undone till later. I also write the bibliography first, since leaving it for the end makes for drudgery.

I heard the "the paper will write itself" from my WSCAL friend too.

Anonymous said...