Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We interrupt the steady
stream of annoying posts on religious themes to bring you a rare political update. Normally I refrain from this kind of stuff but this time I just can't stop myself. The reason is that the subject matter is just too close to home.

This will be brief though. I asked Big D what she thought of the photoshopped images coming out of the latest mid-east skirmish. She said they were hack jobs. I said that if she had been in charge of doctoring those photos, no one would have caught on.

I've been trying to get her to bring down the big bucks with her photo editing skills so I can retire but, no go so far. Maybe Reuters can hire her to screen all the edited photos that come through their bureau and fix them up so they can continue their fine reporting. She could telecommute.

This reminds me that I am way overdue for posting a photo. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Other people also comment on the fake fotos done by Reuters. Are they still available. I would like to see them. I know big D can make trees grow out of Jim's head. WhaT did the Reuters guys do to the fotos?

Bruce S said...

Reuters wasn't doing the photoshopping. Their editors were the ones responsible for not detecting the edits. The edits were done by Reuters' (and others) hired free lance photographers.

I don't know how you missed seeing them, unless you never stray to the other side of the fence.

Google lgf (little green footballs) or Michelle Malkin and check out their archives. A little digging should turn them up.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Reuters was guilty of doctoring their pictures, but apparently so, because recently I came across a reference to it. That is not my reason for writing. Now it seems Katie has been doctored, and I wonder if Debbie thinks it was a hack job. Or should CBS hire her?